The Anti-Inflammatory Diet: 10 foods to eat that fight inflammation

Plus 10 foods to avoid that promote inflammation and harm brain health

  Inflammation is a natural part of the human biochemical process that protects us against infection. However, too much inflammation can lead to the damage of cellular processes or even cause harm to the brain. We are also aware of the link between excess inflammation and depression.

Certain foods especially can cause this excess inflammation. It is important that we not only avoid these foods, but that we consume anti-inflammatory foods as well to combat these negative effects.

Given that inflammation is the final common path to most chronic diseases (and food is the most powerful modulator of inflammation), it is critical that we raise awareness of this central relationship and look at the foods we are consuming and feeding our families.


10 foods that fight inflammation

    – Leafy greens (kale, watercress, spinach, chard, collard greens and arugula)
– Cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, and brussels sprouts)
– Fruits (blueberries, raspberries and black berries)
– Fungi (mushrooms)
– Legumes (lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans and soybeans)
– Teas (green tea)
– Spices (turmeric)
– Seeds (quinoa)
– Fermented vegetables (sauerkraut)
– Cacao powder

10 foods that can promote inflammation

    – Trans fats (artificially created, like margarine)
– Pastries (donuts that are high in saturated oils and sugar)
– Sugary drinks (soft drinks)
– Foods with preservatives (MSG)
– Meats and processed meats
– Cheese (especially hard cheeses such as cheddar, colby, and swiss)
– Alcohol
– Tropical oils (coconut and palm oil)
– Refined carbohydrates (white bread)  

Author(s): Dean Sherzai MD, PhD (c), MPH, MAS